Writing & Reality

Okay, My reality is that I work full-time, have three children, one husband, and a dog. I shuttle back and forth from soccer to dance, to basketball, and social engagements. My reality is--I really don't have time to write. I want to, daily. Do I get to? No (see my silly promise in the blog posting below).

I've resigned myself to accept that I won't be able to write everyday. But I have also promised myself to think about my writing, characters, plot, and editing daily.

Is thinking about writing the same as writing? Yes and no. When I think of my writing, it is almost like a pre-planning or outlining session. I find that I'm much more focused and I don't spend as much time staring at the screen wondering what the heck I'm going to write.

Of course nothing soothes the writing beast like clicking away at the keyboard or taking pen to paper to really get my story down. But in my reality, I have to adapt and pray for free time.

So, next time you are waiting for an appointment, taking a lunch break, or waiting for your children to hurry up and get in the car, think about your writing-- you may find that you've broken through a block or solved a story thread.

That's it according to Maddy~


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