Fifty Shades - The phenomenon

Okay, so I started reading Fifty Shades of Grey several months ago and put it aside.  I don't know, maybe I wasn't in the mood and maybe the press jaded my reading experience.  And now the Fifty Shade Phenomenon has swept the world. Women all over are creating book clubs to discuss the books and Christian Grey has become some sort of romantic hero.   

The other day I had coffee with a friend who had read the books and liked them.  We swap books all the time and have similar taste.  I said that I thought it was overrated. She said I should give them another chance that she was engaged not in the erotic element but the psychology of Christian Grey and how his character attracted her to the story.

So, have you read any of the Fifty Shade books?  What did you think? I'd love to hear what you have to say.  I've started at page one and I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I'm still not convinced it's a great story--but I'll finish it and keep you posted.

That's it according to Maddy~


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