New Blog Design

There has been some chatter on writer blogs these days about writer's websites. With Facebook and blogs is it really necessary to have a website? At first I thought yes. But as I thought about things, really why do you need a website if you are visible on facebook and have a blog (which feeds to Facebook)?

I can add book excerpts, writing updates, add pages for contests and contact info. So really a website isn't truly necessary.

What is necessary is a way for writers to find you. See what you are currently doing and look at our backlist. Readers need to be able to email us or post a comment on Facebook. Just a way to communicate and share. And a website is static where as Facebook and blogs are asynchronous communication avenues that work great for writers and readers.

So my website address will now filter to my blog which will allow for readers and writers to access as well as feed to Facebook. All and all a great solution.

That's it according to Maddy~


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