Books to Movies

There has been a huge influx of books made into movies over the past few years and I'm really getting sick of it. Some are done well. Others--not so much. The latest book to movie sensation was of course the Twilight Series. I enjoyed these movies, but I also enjoyed the books and could have lived forever without them being made into a movie. And let's not forget Harry Potter and what I consider a fantastic book to movie example.

What about Eat, Pray, Love? I read the book, really didn't care for it, then saw the movie. The promos looked great, wonderful, engaging. The movie--yeah, not so much. In fact the movie was too long and I was getting ready to slap Julie Roberts in the face and yell, "Snap out if it, already!"

What are some of your favorite books to movies? Or your least favorite book to movie adaptation?

That's it according to Maddy~
