Musings of a frustrated writer

Well, the title of this post tells it all. I'm trying to find time to write, and with work obligations (like I actually have to do some work) the kids home from school and needing constant entertainment, and the heat--I've neglected the craft I love.

Each night I sit before my computer ready, craving some writing time. Then the phone rings, something great is on TV, or the kids want a sleep over. I need to prioritize, but in the end, the kids come before writing.

So, I've devised a way to get some pages done without feeling the guilt of neglecting my children(and soccer season has ended, so huge blocks of time are free). I'm bringing my laptop with me everywhere. My son is at football practice, I'm writing. I'm waiting for the girls to finish dance, I'm writing with a cup of Joe at my side. And, when I can't use the laptop, I'm writing free hand--a long neglected art.

In addition to the family time, there is a lot to the business side of writing. Sending out proposals, participating on loops, and presenting online workshops all take up my time. Not to mention maintaining a website and blog. In the end, it is the promotional aspects that I am retaining and the other I'm slowly neglecting to see if they really matter.

I enjoy the blog and I love presenting workshops. In fact, I'm presenting a workshop right now title, "All I've learned about Gothics I've learned from Fairy Tales". Hopefully I'll be able to present it at the 2008 RWA conference. Workshops not only instruct those who attend, but I learn as I research and flesh out my notes. In the end, it's a win, win situation.

That's it according to Maddy~


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