Hi All,

Okay, so today is Monday and in my house, it's time to start the diet day. I'm presenting at National and I looked in the mirror and said, "this won't do." I'm the same weight I was when I gave birth to my third child, but I digress. I started kick boxing. Now, I've done kwando flex in the past so I know all the moves. But my friend in the class has recently lost a ton of weight due to surgery, so I really have to work hard so she doesn't show me up. When class ends, I'm beet red, drenched in hard-earned sweat, and ready for a body bag. I feel good, my muscles are a little sore, but that feels good too. Now I'm working on the food part. And didn't I just eat a box of those Necco sweethearts for breakfast? The Battle of Bulge as I call it has been a life long one for me and I'm even writing about heavier characters or characters with weight issues because it's what I know. And you should write what you know. So today is day 1 in my quest to look presentable for National. Any prayers would be appreciated.


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